Last two weeks were a hell of a ride: tasks at table hoarding up, heated arguments at the workplace, and the alarm for deadlines ticking out louder than ever. This was incremented with my search for some brilliant marketing ideas for Bonphul. With all that and more, the soul inside me was running for the nearest snooze button.

Everything that I loved doing, and swore by in the past two months, seemed to lose the shimmer within days. What went wrong? It did not take me long to realise. I was going too hard and fast, not just with my work but mostly with myself, and these were clear indications that I just got to stop.

Like a boon to a worn-out soul there came this warm mellow, October, Sunday. And I strictly observed it as a do-not-think-of-work day. Being a workaholic, this practice would usually put me on a panic mode.  However, this detox did me wonders. Having put away work out of sight, and the phone on the ‘aeroplane mode’, life seemed to breathe back to its normal pace which it wasn’t doing for a while. 

As the day grew by slowly, something interesting happened. 

And suddenly it was there. The very idea! 

By afternoon, I remembered reading about the concept of ‘slow living’. I have been reading about the ‘slow living’ movement for a long time. But only reading it, and not implementing it into my life.  And that Sunday afternoon, I not only realised how effectual the art of ‘slow living’ can be in calming me down, but it also dawned upon me that this could be ‘the great innovative idea’ I was actually looking for.

Bonphul, as a company is promoting wellness by bringing in a greater quality of life, through its holistic range of Indoor Air Quality Solutions. However, did we ever get into the crux of the objective for these solutions? To provide cleaner and oxygenated air inside your homes and workplace. Correct! But why do we need all that for? To make life better, to live and breathe in healthy air. Or can better surmise it as, to attain richness and wellness in life. Aren’t we all working day and night only for a life of bountiful wellness?

Slow living does not mean becoming inefficient or inactive

Slow living is based on the idea of wholesomeness, slow processed, nutritious and pureness. It is about taking charge and regulating life responsibly.  In Yoga, ‘prana’ or life forces, is given the utmost importance, for a body to attain wellness and become a balanced being. Pranayam or the breathing practices in Yoga, teach us the art of breathing or regulating air in and out. Why is breathing correctly so important? Isn’t this the most essential and basic life existing activity after all?  

Breathing correctly and breathing pure must not be an option, but an absolute necessity. Bonphul through its range of IAQ solutions is bringing in this aspect of purity into our lifestyle. Purity helps in achieving the right pace in life and we start living healthily and meaningfully. In a fast-living world where – from meals to meetings – happens on-the-go, it is important to stop a while and appreciate everything around (and Breathe!). Bonphul can help in taking this message to the world while promoting wellness and purity.

As for me, taking life slowly, even for a day got me the much-needed rest and yes, some great ideas!