Bonphul Air Products is participating in the two-day Asian Conference on Indoor Environmental Quality, held at the Indian Aviation Academy, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi. The event is organized by the Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE), Society for Indoor Environment (SIE), and by the Indian chapter of Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA). The major themes that will find prominence and will be delved upon this year are:

•    Indoor Air Quality for Urban Settings – IAQ Monitoring and Modeling, Exposure, Health, Sustainable Solutions

•    Adaptive Thermal Comfort – Thermal adaptation in buildings; models for adaptive comfort

•    Occupant Performance and Behavioral Studies – Productivity in relation to thermal comfort, IAQ, acoustics and lighting

The conference will witness several notable speakers, academicians, scientists, students and experts, presenting papers, presentations and dissertation posters on the above themes and topics. Mr Arup Mazumdar, Executive Director, Bonphul Air Products, will be presenting a paper on “The Problem of Oxygen,” in which he will be discussing the matter of oxygen scarcity in the air, and how it is posing as a major IAQ problem today, and the possible remedy. “Oxygen depletion in IAQ demands immediate attention, and we can hope to achieve it in this platform and redirect everyone’s focus to the issue,” commented Mr Mazumdar.