
New Bonphul Shareholder also a Happy Customer

In startups, it is not new that a happy customer also ends-up becoming the company’s shareholders.  This is itself a great testimony for the company and the product. Bonphul, turning a 2-year-old venture very soon, can now boast of having such a happy customer turning into a shareholder. Mrs Kashyap, a Gurgaon resident, and one

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Delhi School Suffering from Carbon Dioxide Installs VentiMax

Most schools today, profoundly advertises their establishment as air-conditioned, from classrooms, libraries, labs and auditoriums.   Air conditioning in schools is still a debatable topic in India. While some parents do not acknowledge the use of ACs in school, the increasing amount of temperature in Indian cities, and the current lifestyles of spending more time in

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Building Energy Efficiency Identified by OxyMax

California, the US state, has been adhering to strict building codes for bringing in better building energy efficiency, since 1974. It is the first US state to establish an energy regulation commission – the California Energy Commission, still in effect today. This has made California the lowest per capita energy consumption in the US. The

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