
CO2 Health Hazards and Control

Health Hazards With the rise of CO2 levels, the air inhaled is less fresh or rather it gets staled, that can trigger physical symptoms like headaches, restlessness, drowsiness, increased heart rate, sweating and more. CO2 beyond 1500 ppm levels in indoor spaces can directly escalate low productivity, high sick leave and infectious disease transmission, making

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CO2 as an Indoor Air Quality Problem

Carbon dioxide or CO2 is a chemical compound found in air which is a molecule of one carbon and two oxygen atoms.  It is found in gaseous state in room temperature and found in 0.04%(410 ppm) by volume in air. This level has increased from 280 ppm which was pre-industrialization period level. It is one

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VOCs and Health Hazards (Indoor Air Quality)

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are threatening to human health and also to the environment as most of these are toxic, mutagenic (capable of inducing mutations or increase the rate in genes), and carcinogenic (cancer causing). VOCs are also cited as contributors to atmospheric photochemical reactions leading to the formation of ground level ozone– the main

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What are VOC’s?

Volatile Organic Compounds are a group of volatile organic chemicals that vapourises easily and immediately when exposed to air, even in room temperature, and are considered pollutants which means that they are hazardous to human and animal health. They can be both naturally and synthetically occurring compounds. These are highly volatile chemicals, i.e. they have

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Astria Air Purifiers launched on Amazon

The online market of air purifiers today is a swarming space, where each day a new product is ushering up, thanks to the pollution levels in the cities setting new records with each passing day. Being a dedicated IAQ company, Bonphul too has launched its wall mounted model of the Astria Air Purifiers – Astria W60 on Amazon India E-commerce

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What is PM2.5?

Things decay: either they wear off or fall apart. Things emit: whether from natural sources like wildfires or volcanoes, or man-made sources like vehicles and factories. And things get blown away: like dust from road-sides or barren fields, or pollens from flowers in blooms. In all these cases, fine particulate matter—sometimes too fine to be

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Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and pollutants!

Indoor Air Quality, as described in the previous chapter, is determined by a multitude of factors; ambient air being only one of them. IAQ is also a very specific to its context. It is seen that two adjoining enclosed space could have two different sets of issues. For instance, consider two adjoining apartments: One apartment

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Cross Ventilation is an Answer to Sick Building Syndrome

Ventilation in Modern Buildings Ventilation in a building refers to the exchange of indoor and outdoor air, which is vital in maintaining a healthy IAQ. Insulated and airtight buildings with no proper ventilation confines harmful pollutants indoors. Also, high humidity build-up in indoor air can damage a building structure.  Additionally, elevated levels of humidity can

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What is Stale Air?

As per the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports, poor outdoor air flow, fluctuating humidity and temperature levels, remodeling, and other activities in or near a building may contaminate fresh air flow into a building. Buildings today are either ultra-efficient and highly insulated or are built without appropriate ventilation in clustered space, both

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Bonphul splitting Business Operations into two

Starting this new year, Bonphul Air Products is splitting its business operations into two groups: (a) Product Sales and (b) Consulting Services. The Product Sales Group would be focused on indirect business through a nation-wide partner network, while the Consulting Services Group would be focused on direct business from institutional customers. Explaining the rationale, Bonphul

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